I have a new friend
I have a new friend – his name is Cedric. He’s a gnome. Colleen sent him. He’s a very interesting character. He offered to go out in town to buy beer but I told him that it’s against regulations here so he went out by himself and got drunk. Iraqis aren’t as conservative or strict as one might think. They like their apricot wine just as much as the next fellow. I think that’s what Cedric got into. He’s sleeping now, but I did manage to wake him for a bit and get a few pictures of him in my office. He was a little upset that I woke him, but I offered to take him to the chow hall later and get him potatoes and a salad. I guess gnomes like veg
gies. He was pleased. I am too. It’s nice to have a gnome in Iraq to talk to.
Thanks Colleen! ;)
Yes, we can all be a little worried that Mike is talking to a gnome and seems very excited about it. But, don't you just love Cedric's little brief case? :)
Love you Mike!
Hi Mike-
Cedric is too cute! (And Colleen, so are you for sending Mike a friend).He kind of reminds me of the little gnome or leprechaun Grandpa Green had at the lake down on the patio by the water. I bet he had some "inspired" conversations with his little buddy, as well.
I went to lunch at the Cottage today with some teachers from my staff and another who's left but is still part of our "Challenger family", nervertheless. Anyway, we're all getting geared up to go back to school for a few days next week and then, in earnest, the week after that. They all send their best as does Francie Sanders, whom I talked to last night.
Now that people are used to checking the blog, they're getting a kick out of it and love hearing comments from both you and Colleen.
No more news now, but I just had to comment on your new little friend.
Love you and miss you, Mom
Hi Mike, what a great buddy tohave with you over there. He looks quite happy as well.
I sure am enjoying reading all about your stay over there. As well as Colleens communications.
Very interesting reading.
Colleen as you have already read was home this past week-end. It was very good to see her.
They all seemed to have fun tubing down the river in the bright colored "party boat". Especially Curran. I drove family on the boat. Believe it or not that was the first time I have driven the boat all summer. We have been pretty busy at the cottage, getting the kitchen done, not a lot of play time. In fact, we took our golf clubs as we were there for 2 weeks and never played. Pretty sad. Well that means next year we take 3 weeks vacation!!
Tom started at GRPD. He has been inside up until a couple nights ago. He had to direct traffic as American Idol was here at the Devos center. Would have loved to see him on the corner blowing his whistle an waving his arms but I thought he may not appreciate that.
Nicky and Nate are doing well. Just celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary. Still act like they are on the honeymoon. Well sometimes--. Curran is about to start school already. Summer has gone by fast. i am taking him out school shopping next week. I'm sure this will be a better experience then it was with 3 little ones.
Grandma is back home after staying with us for a while. As Collen may have told you she had 2 small strokes that affected her balance. But she is doing well with therapy and plans on returning to work in a week or 2.
Well I will write again soon.
Mike we are very proud of you and you are in our prayers daily.
Love, Barb
Hey Mike, that gnome. . . what a frigging guy. . . You tell him hello for me and to stay outta trouble in the name of everything good. I know he's up to no good, so you keep him into check.
We're all prayin' for ur safeey over there, so don't make us look like jackasses. . . . ha!
I don't know what to say. . .
I'm startin' classes. . .17 units and 1 6 hours of work.
I'll be. . . in the words of George Carlin. . .busier than a dike in a hardware store. But still thinkin' of ya.
See ya soon, BJ
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