Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fall and Football!

This is my favorite time of football season! I love Fall weather (even in San Diego) and I love the excitement of college game days! I really wish Mike were here so that we could enjoy this season together, we always have such a good time watching the games together! But it really doesn't matter where we are, or what we are doing, we always have an awesome time together! When my parents come out in November (yay!) we'll take a trip to Julien and have some awesome apple pie and apple cider - then it'll really feel like Fall! I'll probably even bring a bunch of cider back home with me so that I can light spiced candles, sip cider and watch the games from my living room. If it's not clear, Fall is my absolute favorite time of year!!

I did talk to Mike this morning on the phone and he is doing well. They had a little "excitement" it seems at his base yesterday but luckily everyone is safe and no injuries!! He did say it was little nerve racking just waiting. Afterwards he said he and the other guys he was with were talking about what it might have been like in the trenches during WWII. I think they were all pretty glad to be behind concrete! Anyway, his mind quickly turned to football - and he reminded me to tape the Nortre Dame game for him today. I'm not going to be sending them to him because he doesn't have a way to watch them, but he'll certainly enjoy watching game after game when he gets home...kinda like his very own ESPN Classics series! :)

Well everyone, I'm sorry I haven't been more regular at posting. Things got a little crazy these last couple of weeks. Hopefully now that school has started, things will get back to a more regular schedule!

Hope all is well with everyone. Enjoy the games!!

I love you Mike!!

1 comment:

obgirl042 said...

As a comment to my own post...Mike IS safe and IS doing well! I know that little paragraph in this post might have seemed too short! While he's keeping busy with work, I think finds that he is doing a lot of the same things over and over. However, he's staying positive and making the most of his time over there. As for the "excitement" on base, again...he IS safe! I don't know what more Mike would add to my post, but if he can add anything, I'll ask him to do so for his next personal post. As for now, he really is just glad ND is starting to play! :)